Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Molotov Solution - Insurrection

Enter Molotov Solution. A Deathcore outfit from Las Vegas, who are presenting us with the fourth and latest full length outing. (Third signed full length, fourth overall.) I'll be honest, I've really only listened to these guys a handful of times, and when I heard that these guys and Carnifex had albums coming out, I was fully suspecting these guys to be the 'meh' album of the two.

Boy was I wrong. Insurrection is a a dark onslaught of heavy as hell music and government conspiracies. The themes are similar to First Blood's lastest album. Which is oddly a theme not covered by many metal bands Even though it's rather ripe with imagery and emotion to involve the listener. People alwyas have problems with the government and it's really a relatable subject.

Molotov Solution has had a pretty heavy line-up change since Harbinger, they lost their drummer, bass player, and a guitar player. With the new line-up they really wanted to usher in a new era of Molotov Solution, mixing up the old sound, while throwing in new elements.

Insurrection starts with a long off key guitar note that seems to set up the atmosphere and tone of the album. It kind of reminds me of the note that plays in The Dark Knight when the Joker appears. It's long, off key, and unsettling. Really good start to an album actually. 'Sins & Sacrifice' is a rather great start to a rather great Deathcore release.

The album for me really kicks in with 'The Final Hour'. It's heavy, has a great hook with the line "People should not fear their Governments, Governments should fear their people!" The guitars are a bit progressive at times, but not enough to make this a Progressive Deathcore release, but enough to keep things interesting and to prove that Molotov Solution knows their way around a guitar fairly well.

The drums and guitar throughout the album are pretty impressive and the Vocals are killer. They are heavy, angry and brutal. There are also these small electric parts thrown in here and there, to both mix things up and possibly carry over atmosphere throughout the album and keep a good flow going to the album as a whole.

Like most every deathcore album, the album has plenty of breakdowns. Which can break an album or works really well, depending on how many and how often they are thrown in. Many bands do breakdowns for breakdowns sake. Insurrection seems to be a little more educated about it, making sure that if they throw in a breakdown, it is surrounded by fantastically fast playing, used to enforce a point for the song, or that it is a really good emotional buildup/breakdown moment. I'd say they are rather effectively used in the album throughout.

This is definitely an album Deathcore fans should check out. Struck me by surprise.

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